5 Contoh dalam Menulis Narrative Story

Narrative Story


BANDUNG, TEROPONGMEDIA.ID — Simak contoh narrative story dalam artikel ini yang dapat menjadi referensi untuk memudahkan proses penulisan.

Memahami struktur dan elemen dari sebuah narrative story sangat penting bagi siapapun yang ingin menulis cerita menarik.

Narrative story adalah bentuk teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang mengisahkan cerita atau serangkaian peristiwa yang saling terkait.

Umumnya, cerita yang ada dalam teks naratif bersifat imajinatif atau ciptaan fiksi belaka yang oleh penulis.

Tujuan utama dari teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembaca. Narrative story sering masuk ke dalam berbagai jenis, seperti fabel (cerita binatang), mitos, legenda, dongeng, fiksi ilmiah, dan cerpen.

Sebelum mulai menulis narrative story, bagi individu untuk membaca beberapa contoh narrative story terlebih dahulu guna memahami pola penulisannya.

Secara umum, teks naratif memiliki tiga komponen utama: orientasi, komplikasi, dan resolusi.  Sehingga memudahkan dalam menyusun naratif mereka sendiri.

Dengan mengeksplorasi berbagai contoh narrative story, individu dapat menjadi akrab dengan struktur dan elemen-elemen teks naratif.

Berikut 5 Contoh dari teks narrative story:

1. The Lost Necklace

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among the rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. One sunny afternoon, while exploring the enchanted forest near her home, Lily stumbled upon a shimmering necklace lying under a majestic oak tree. Intrigued by its beauty, she picked it up and decided to wear it.

Little did she know that the necklace belonged to the forest fairy, who had lost it during a moonlit dance. As Lily wore the necklace, magical things began to happen around her, leading her on a thrilling adventure to return the lost treasure to its rightful owner.

2. The Unlikely Friendship

In a bustling city filled with noise and chaos, there was an unlikely friendship that blossomed between a stray cat named Whiskers and a lonely old man named Mr. Thompson. Every day, Whiskers would visit Mr. Thompson’s doorstep, seeking companionship and warmth. Despite his gruff exterior, Mr.

Thompson couldn’t resist the cat’s persistent meows and gentle purrs. Slowly but surely, a bond formed between them, bringing joy and comfort to both their lives. Through their friendship, they discovered that sometimes the most precious connections are found in the most unexpected places.

3. The Magical Garden

Hidden behind a tangle of overgrown vines and forgotten memories, there lay a magical garden that held the key to unlocking dreams. One rainy afternoon, a curious young boy named Oliver stumbled upon the garden while seeking shelter from the storm.

As he explored its lush pathways and vibrant blooms, he discovered that each flower held a secret wish waiting to be granted.

With a heart full of hope, Oliver embarked on a journey to fulfill the wishes of the garden and, in turn, found his own dreams coming true in the most unexpected ways.

4. The Mysterious Locket

On a starry night, beneath the glow of the full moon, a young girl named Emily received a mysterious locket from an unknown sender. Intrigued by its intricate design and cryptic message engraved inside, Emily set out to unravel the locket’s secrets.

As she delved deeper into its history, she uncovered a tale of lost love and untold sacrifices that spanned generations. Through the locket’s magic, Emily learned that some bonds are eternal and that love has the power to transcend time and space.

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5. The Enchanted Mirror

In a grand castle nestled at the edge of the kingdom, there hung an enchanted mirror that held the power to reveal one’s true desires.

Princess Aurora, known for her kind heart and unwavering courage. Gazed into the mirror one fateful night and saw a vision of a distant land shrouded in darkness.

Determined to bring light to the shadowed realm, she embarked on a perilous journey, guided by the mirror’s cryptic messages.

Through trials and tribulations, Princess Aurora discovered that true bravery lies not in conquering others, but in conquering one’s own fears and doubts.


(Hafidah Rismayanti/Aak)

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